He Careth For You – Ronnie Scherffius
A most comforting thought in difficult times is that someone else is concerned for your well-being. The apostle Peter, looking back to the Psalms, noted that such a comfort should also motivate us to humble ourselves before God. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you (1 Pet. 5:6-7) The three “C’s” of verse seven are especially noteworthy and direct…
Coronavirus, Alcohol, and the Church
The novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 will be remembered historically for the societal adjustments it has produced on a world-wide scale. Business models have changed, dining out has changed, we shop differently, we consume media differently, and we have even developed an extended vocabulary. Words and phrases like “social distancing,” “flattening the curve,” and “selfisolation” have taken on new meaning. Another term, one that carries a great deal of weight, is “essential business.” This expression produces much debate, and understandably…
The Depths of Triumph – Kevin W. Rhodes
When Moses ascended Mount Sinai and originally received the Law from the LORD, he heard, for the first time, the Decalogue, the Ten Commandments, which God established as the foundation for Israelite society. Among the precepts instituted in the wilderness that day, the requirement to “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Ex. 20:8) would later generate great controversy throughout the life of Jesus as the first century Pharisees’ interpretation of the requirement (long ignored throughout Jewish history) took…
Let Us Come Together!
According to John 17:20-23 one thing the Lord had on His mind during the ordeal of His death was our unity. Jesus wanted us to be united in purpose and in mind so that the world would look at us and know that the Father had sent the Son. Jesus knew the value of unity. He knew that a splintered body accomplishes nothing. He knew that the sense of community that is sewn into the fabric of fellowship would be…
Some Reasons to be Joyful
Christians are commanded to “rejoice in the Lord always” (Phil. 4:4) but sometimes that can be difficult. It is helpful to remember the many reasons what we have for rejoicing. Here are three for your consideration. God’s providential care. Simply stated, providence refers to provision. Consider the various ways in which God provides for His people. Spiritually speaking He has provided “all things pertaining to life and godliness” (2 Pet. 1:3). We have redemption through the blood of Christ (Eph.…
Are Your Words Helping the Church?
Words are the most powerful weapon known to man. With them we can lift the spirits of the downtrodden, make someone feel loved and appreciated, or start wars and destroy relationships. Our words have a powerful impact on the church. Congregations can be torn apart by slanderous and vindictive speech and built up by words of encouragement and appreciation. This is behind Paul’s command in Ephesians 4:29 to let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is…
The Fields are White… are You Ready to Harvest?
The latest estimates are that the world’s population is approximately 7.8 billion. That is 7.8 billion souls who face the ultimate reality of sin and its consequences (Rom. 3:23; 6:23). 7 billion souls who will one day face the Lord in judgment (Heb. 9:27); 7 billion souls who are precious in the sight of God (2 Pet. 3:9) and stand in need of the soul-saving message of the gospel. What are you doing to reach them? Romans chapter 10 teaches…
A Call to Maturity – Clay Bond
Throughout the Scriptures, the call to spiritual maturity is expressed in various ways. For example, in Philippians 3:12-16, Paul used an athletic metaphor to illustrate the need for spiritual growth. If we are to mature spiritually, we must have the attitude of an athlete pursuing a prize. It is not enough to encourage people to study and know their Bibles without teaching them why they should grow! We are to study and know our Bibles because the Bible teaches us…
“And Rejoice in Hope” – Bryan Hodge
What is hope? Biblical hope is more than a mere wish or desire. It is “favorable and confident expectation” (Vine’s). Our hope is based on Jehovah God (Ps. 31:24; 39:7; 71:5; 1 Pet. 1:21), God’s word (Ps. 119:49-50, 81-82, 114; 130:5; Rom. 15:4; Tit. 1:2), and Jesus Christ (1 Tim. 1:1; Tit. 2:11-13; Heb. 6:19-20; 1 Pet. 1:3, 15). Think of the words of the song we sing, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness!”…
Some Things Never Change – Ronnie Scherffius
The headline read: A SOCIETY LIKE NO OTHER. The article depicted society in a state of near-total depravity. Political corruption was beyond description. From the highest office in the land to the meanest local official, oppression was the norm. Justice and equality were strangers. Society at large, like its governing bodies, had spiraled out of control. Violence, murderer, and rioting in the streets were so common in metropolitan cities they were no longer considered “news-worthy.” Immorality raged — drunkenness, public…
Shame on Us
Over the last several months I’ve had many conversations with friends from different parts of the country. Not surprisingly, the primary topic of discussion has been COVID and how it has affected the church. Sadly, there are places where the virus has hit the church very hard. Not because Christians have caught it but because they are fighting about it. Particularly, about how the church should handle it. I have heard many reports of elders resigning, members arguing and leaving their…
The Pursuit of Happiness – Steven Lloyd
She was twenty-five. Her live-in boyfriend came home from work, said he did not love her anymore, and left. She was devastated. Her mother believed she might be suicidal and asked if I would speak with her. An hour later, we were in her mother’s living room. I asked her to tell me her story—how she got to this place in her life. She left church and home when her father died. She moved in with the man of her…